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**Über diesen Podcast**
A Way with Words is a fun and funny public radio show about words, language,
and how we use them. Hundreds of thousands of language-lovers around the world
tune in each week to hear author Martha Barnette and dictionary editor Grant
Barrett take calls about slang, grammar, English usage, old sayings, word
origins, regional dialects, family expressions, and speaking and writing well.
The program is a fresh look at the pleasures and delights of language and
linguistics, words and speech, writing and reading. Language-learners, ESL,
ELT, and TESOL folks will find it a treat. Call with your questions at *any
time* in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico at 1-877-929-9673, in London at +44 20
7193 2113, in Mexico City at +52 55 8421 9771, via email at
[email protected], on the web at http://waywordradio.org/, on Twitter at
http://twitter.com/wayword, and via Skype to the user name "wayword."
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